Nestled in a small natural harbor on the northern coast of Dovenhead sits the town of Widpool. 

Most of the inhabitants of Widpool are apkallu, with minorities of iaret and humans. In keeping with the townsfolk's amphibious nature, a few satellite homesteads can be found offshore. A small monastery is situated just beyond the local coral fields in deeper waters. Unlike more traditional apkallu settlements, the monastery is not the social center of the town, but the philosophers and monks studying there are still greatly respected.

The harbor is too shallow for the draft of great Jewel City galleons, so traffic by sail is limited to the occasional foreign sloop. Widpool's main industry is fishing and aquaculture in the nearby coral beds. Widpool is somewhat known for polished and carved coral jewelry. Since the Gate War, a certain amount of smuggling has passed through Widpool to avoid official tariffs. Because of the widespread amphibious abilities of the town's inhabitants, the smuggling is almost certainly going on with the approval of the townsfolk.

Town governance is by a council of aldermen, as with most towns in Dovenhead. In a nod to racial traditions, a monk from the monastery advises the council. The town pays taxes to the local Constable, who in turn owes fealty to the Lord Captain in Dove. The current Constable is Shenu-aa, whose family predates Dovenhead. Like most Constables, his family is gentry of modest means despite the antiquity of his ancestry.