Late Stok 6886

Mother is gone.  She fled while I was sleeping, not even leaving a note.

Mid Grota 6887

I watch Ameryswald from the windows this New Year.  The snow is beautiful but under it I know everyone is suffering.  Mother said there hadn’t been enough grain to mill even before I came back.

Late Las 6887

It was a year ago now that I came back to Ameryswald in the middle of the night.  The new moon hid me, hid the disease.

Early Dolina 6887

Month after month of hiding, of being bound, then binding myself when the moon comes.  Will I ever leave the mill?

Mid Dolina 6887

Mother never told anyone I’d come home.  I’m sure everyone thinks I died in the war.  Maybe I did.  The rats sneak out while I sleep, gnaw on my boots, burrow in my bed.

Mid Stok 6887

The dried food and salted meat mother left are long gone.  There’s only the rotten bags of grain now.  The musty smell chokes me with the mill closed up, but it makes me so hungry.

Late Stok 6887

The hemet held the harvest festival and gave the blessing of the gods on Ameryswald this year.  Everyone shared what they had and looked happy.  I could see Wewet out, talking and laughing.

Early Grota 6887

My only friends are the rats.

Mid Grota 6888

I went out!  The moon was bright, but not full, so it was safe.  I ran over frozen ground, stole some food, and laughed at the mountains when the wind hid my voice.

Early Las 6888

I go out whenever I can.  I know what I’m doing.  I can watch everyone from closer now.  I peer in the Temple windows, but she’s always in bed already.

Late Las 6888

The soldati in her ladyship’s keep sneak out too.  They change their skin to hide their business, but not like I do.

Mid Dolina 6888

Tired.  Bright sun hurts my eyes but I stay awake to see Wewet do her chores.  There’s no one else in the village for her.  I hate the tylwyth that stays in the temple.

Late Dolina 6888

Sharing food with my friends.  Skinny has gotten so big, and he was the runt!  Markos and Bale have a fever.  It might be the spoiled food.

Early Stok 6888

I can even spy on the bandits now.  Probably hungry as the village, but can go down to the valley to steal.  The hemet meets with them in secret.

Late Stok 6888

Barely feel feverish when the moon comes.  I don’t feel sick anymore at all most nights.  I’m stronger than I’ve ever been.  Maybe I’m like Bale, and being sick just made me better.

Mid Grota 6889

Been afraid for years, afraid of the moon, afraid of being found, afraid no one remembered me.  Stupid.  Not afraid anymore.  Strong now.

Early Las 6889

Strangers in Ameryswald, dragged in by the tylwyth.  Hemet takes care of them.  When they went back into the mountains, Wewet watched them go.  Watched them go!  Stupid rat, of course she did.  Make her understand!