Letter from Jimyouin Uchitoki, Dynastic Architect

The letter is on rich, almost buttery papyrus, surely provided by the Dynastic household.  Jimyouin’s handwriting in apkallu is flowing and a trifle messy, as if he’s used to writing quickly.

On this day the 21st of Late Dolina, in the 6998th Year of the Dynasts:

To My Golden Inspiration:

My heart would swim in a shoal to protect itself from the desire your thought invokes
Other hearts turning here and there with flash silver flash so big with all their smallness
Red teeth plunge through I am caught and pierced in long rows each a prick of memory
Rain on canvas the sound of an old man’s cough without only our joining speaks within

I have left this letter in hands that I believe will deliver it to you.

The Geshe Kunga Karatsu vanished when you left, and from the fallen Mejten’s consternation, it was not in his schemes.  The Child Dynast sent Mejten away shortly thereafter, but I think the fallen would have left soon anyway.  I have since learned that it was his group that Wong Tao left with, bound toward Zeel.  He is likely a conspirator with the fallen now.  I apologize that I cannot report Maxeem Bassot’s capture.

News has arrived from the court in Amarnec that the Hierophant was struck with apoplexy.  The court is in turmoil, and the Clerisy faction leaderless while the holy personage is bedridden.  We depart for Kheprikel because my Suzerain does not trust the Flower Guard to safeguard their person, and will surround themselves with the garrison there. 

The offering to be burnt by the First Servant of Tatlankel for our departure did not catch fire and everyone argues the meaning of this omen.  I smile inside, for I suspect it means that the Architect runner-up has shown her capability.  The cheers for the Child Dynast have a different, fervid tenor.  There is something that has changed.

Be at peace.  May your path be sped to a place where we shall meet, when you are able.

Uchitoki Jimyouin