Instructions Upon My Passage

I, Ra-Sebek-Nefru, by the will of the gods Suzerain of the Cities of Akhet, Instrument of their Law, declare from the seat of my Court in the City of Zeel:

On this the 31st year of my reign, I am a man of respectable age.  I fought in the Wars in the South in my youth and my sword-arm still aches with the memory.  At my command, the 10th Rule Chambers of Kato Ophios were excavated and returned to their former glory and I received the gratitude of that city.  My direction of the priesthood quelled the outbreak of the Gasping Tongue in the 16th year of my rule.  With my own hand I slew the assassin sent by the usurper of Amarnec, and then defeated her in single combat and expunged her name from history.

For all this, I am mortal.  When Ranute beckons me from bed each morning, I find that the Drowning Girl has looped another coil of her hair about me during the night and it is ever more difficult to rouse myself.  While the realm and its people from horizon to horizon are strong, my vigor is spent owing to wounds taken long ago in the south, and the hardship of the freezing temperatures there.  I look forward to the return of my beloved son Enki-Nefru from the wars, and have stated my intent to abdicate my throne in favor of his ascension.  However, I feel in my bones that I will not see him again in this life.

Therefore, upon my passage, these are my instructions:

I shall be raised into eternity by the arts of the priesthood of Geb.  Hem Seti-Kheper of Crow Mountain, who I met upon my pilgrimage there before my ascension shall be sought to lead the rituals.

According to my acclaim and station, tribute unlike any recorded before shall be made to the Zeelite priesthood of the Drowning Girl to appease the dark goddess this loss.

I shall be interred in the Tomb of Zeel with my ancestors, that I may forever provide guidance to my son and his descendants.

As my Dynastic Sorcerer lacks the ability to send my sarcophagus to the Tomb of Zeel, I command that the Drinkers of Black Water shall deliver me there through the Black Cenote.  I dedicate the service of my granddaughters Renenet and Ti-nouey to their sect in gratitude. 

The Dynastic Sorcerer shall personally oversee the interment, and shall pass on the ability to reach the Tomb of Zeel by magical means to the next appointed to the office.  I decree that this ability shall not be allowed to lapse as it has before my reign.

Materials shall be set aside for the expansion of the Tomb of Zeel with a new gallery according to the plans of my Dynastic Architect.  Thus shall the passage into eternity for my beloved son be prepared, to follow his glorious and lengthy reign.

To this I, Ra-Sebek-Nefru, set my cartouche.  Glory to the gods and my people.

Ensure proper allotment of laborers for construction.  Archival records show no expansion of the tomb since 5803.  Eternal ancestors didn’t mention the workers’ colony  last time their guidance was sought in 5881.
    - Mut-irithis, Minister of Chattel

I will be amending the plans for the new gallery.  From the description of the original construction there are complicating features I didn’t know about.  The foundational smoothing and buttressing might be too deep if the measurements of the ceiling of the lava chamber are accurate.
    - Geshe Tangpa

The eternal lord’s sarcophagus must be built no larger than the dimensions my servant relayed, and must be well-sealed with wax.  Our arts will see us past the guardian of the Cenote, but the passages to the Tomb of Zeel are not large enough for the sarcophagus I have seen at the temple of the Father of Serpents, and they are flooded with the Drowning Girl’s watery breath.
    - Chief Holder-of-Arms Tompsis

In accordance with the decree of Ra-Sebek-Nefru, I was transported magically to the Tomb of Zeal by the former Dynastic Sorcerer Hillalum.  Now that I know the way, I shall be able to do the same.  The eternal lord Ra-Sebek-Nefru sends his greetings to his beloved son on the occasion of his ascension!  The eternal lord Chefren relays that his court stands ready to offer guidance to the new Suzerain and they await the delayed expansion of their tomb.  Praise to Dynast Enki-Nefru and long may he reign!
    - Dynastic Sorcerer Si-Bast

No expansion will be made to the Tomb of Zeel.  The Wars in the South are over and the meddling of the Zeelite priests in the affairs of the Dynasts will no longer be tolerated.  Dynast Enki-Nefru has been raised to eternity and interred as directed before his death, but his short rule shall be the last of the Court of Zeel.  This I decree.
    - Suzerain Renenet, Second of Her Name, Restorer of the Court of Amarnec